Friday, June 16, 2006

Yes! You too can be a Smeagle-Furby!

Friday, 16th June, 2006 - near that scouts hut again!

I have great news for you, I have discovered how to make the perfect impersonation of smeagle and a furby with very little effort ... ever rolled your 'r's? Well, that is the first step ... if you can brrrrrm with your lips you are on your way but it is paramount that you move onto stage two with the tongue.

Got it? Are you sitting there right now going rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? Good!!! Now, stage three, look around you and find an object. Any old object doesn't matter what it is. You've seen a phone, right, oh dear ... well that might be a bit hard. Start with something simple like Rrrradio, rrrrrrrrruler, highlighterrrrrrr, dictionary... right, now concentrating on the dictionary, I want you to roll the n..., and shape your mouth into an oval. :-)

Yes, I'm mad, but so are you, because you're going to give it a try aren't you! ;-)

Right now onto harder stuff ... try saying 'eat your dinner', making rolling sounds in each word - there are no rules, you just go with what feels best or comfortable ... are you starting to sound like Smeagle? I hope so. If you're at work, don't look around you right now, you will find a whole bunch of people swivelling in their seats, eyes a gowk ... yes you look a right plonker, sitting there saying 'eat your dinner' in a funny voice to your computer monitor don't you :-).

Okay, now to put some emotion into it ... say 'cardboard' got it, 'cardboard'. If you are doing this right you will notice it really is quite a sensuous word. You can practice it with your lover later, sit in front of each other, gaze into each others eyes and say 'cardboard' you looooooove the cardboard.

So I've started you off with the new smeagle-furby lingo, and who knows maybe one day we'll meet up and be staring on top of the pops with our latest hit, just like Crazy Frog.

Now I want you to do some work ... in the comments write back the words which you have found most effective in this new language. I'm warning you, no sweary words, smeagle-furby is very clean. Most swear words don't have an rrrrrrrrrr sound in them and are short and curt. It just won't work, except for one little b word which also sounds quite sensuous, but that's an old fashioned word and won't make you look at all cool.

How did this idea come up I hear you ask? Well next door are having their kitchen extended, (they'll be so glad I told you won't they? :-) ) and the digger started up just before 8am ... so me and my 8 year old went down the road to school, barely out of the house and we were making digger noises with our lips ... (sounded a bit like cars and alien space machines) and then we had a competition to see who could keep their digger going longest on the count of three and then at the scouts hut ... it all started to take shape!

England for teh win! 2-0 but what a struggle eh? Seeya!

Addendum: On further practice this afternoon I discovered it's not just in the rolling of the 'r's you have to purrrrr like a kitten, so if you can purr you then just add words! :-)


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