Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Who introduced the Peacocks to Dunfermline?

17th May, 2006 - (Wednesday)

Now I'm not talking about the shop! Yes, there is a Peacocks in Dunfermline which sells clothes but that's not the one.

I'm in the middle of revamping my website to a much prettier design, in code that will validate on every page. It has been fun doing this. At the moment I'm working on my business directory. I've been putting photos I've taken on each introductory page ie the A-Z part. As you know every picture tells a story and so, I've been seaching Google and laterly Yahoo, finding wee links to place hidden under the name tag for each photo.

So, I've got to the Peacock. He's a mighty fine bird, meandering in front of Dunfermline Palace ruins. I've been doing a lot of research and Andrew Carnegie, born into a poor weaver's family turned famous Philantropist
- bought the Carnegie Park, previously Pittencrieff Estate and gave it to the people in Dunfermline. He did this because as a small boy he had not been permitted to play in the grounds where the peacocks and swans roamed. He then declared that one day every year, the children from the local primary schools (schools closed) would get to come down to the park and play organised games - our now Children's gala. These days the gala is held on a Saturday - I guess this allows all the family to join in, and people to travel from further afield to join the festivities.

Trouble is, it doesn't tell me when the peacocks arrived? I've become enthralled by the thrill of the chase and I just have to know now. As I romantically imagine them (royal birds) roaming the palace with the ladies in their courtly dresses ...

I was told Andrew Carnegie brought the grey squirrels to Scotland, so I'll have to check that one out too. We still have some reds - but further away at places like Rumbling Bridge.

If you find out/happen to know how the Peacocks got here, please let me know.


Blogger Grey said...

a peacock chased me round a bird reserve when i was on holiday somewhere once

that's what you get when you go so close that those crazy eyes blink at you.

7:30 pm  
Blogger CJ said...

I was doing a lot of research on the net trying to find out where the peacocks came from and all I could find is lots of holiday folks saying they had been chased!!!

A bit like Shelub in Lord of the Rings then, nice to look at but keep your distance!

4:43 pm  

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