Friday, May 05, 2006

Location, Not Telling!

6th May, 2006 - (Friday)

Yes, I've had one of those weird dreams again! This time, although I had just won a really cool, expensive jewellery gold/diamond orb/bone like thing, someone said, "swap you for a imac laptop...", "done I cries" Oh was I so excited, I could see the shape in their hands and I so wanted a laptop. They hand it over and disappear. I can hear in the background the moans and sighs thinking I'm so silly I haven't even seen it, (and as it was like a quiz show I had the chance of doubling it and winning bigger and better prizes - to opt out now was to leave the contest) but I so want that laptop. I unzip the flightbag to find not one but two minature yellow plastic typewriters in the shape of 'Herbie' the flying car!!! Boy was I so outdone! I was demanding "not so fast" but they wouldn't listen (because they had disappeared hadn't they... Why is life so cruel? Then I woke up.

Hello, everybody! Yes the crazy woman is back for a wee while just to acknowledge my .net friends who may have been daft enough to click on the link. Thanks for popping by - and I'll sort the edit-me's soon. I don't want you finding out too much about me now do I?

It's a lovely day here today, full of sunshine ... as Friday's should be. Hope your day's got a smile in it too.


Blogger Grey said...


whatever that means.

4:54 pm  
Blogger paperghost said...

Nice blog ;)

Teh dot net pitch invasion!!!

11:04 am  

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