Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hey, two in one day?

Wednesday evening 10/01/07 - Location Ooooo - Fountainpark, Edinburgh

(Have I just spoiled my synchronisation, boy that's going to bother me, this should have been posted before the one about my blog ... I might have to change things around a bit ... heh heh.)

Okay, it's really, really nice to get back to Orange's great deal 2-1 on Orange Wednesday's. It's been a while.

So, last night we finally managed it, we went to see

"A Prairie Home Companion" Garrison Keillor/directed by Robert Altman

Here's a link you can read, but don't let it make your mind up about it - review of the film content:
Another is the Observer's Film of the Week (What does Peter Bradshaw know eh? Guardian review one star! He's obviously too young to appreciate real art).
For many years, from when we were first married in the early 80's we listened to Garrison Keillor's stories (not his radio singing show) and read his books, Lake Wobegon etc, (see his biography here
We've also seen him live at the Edinburgh Festival where he spoke of his Songs about Cats.

Such a tall man in real life and a wonderful soft voice.

I've never heard him sing though and I guess as with all things you move on and forget how much you used to love listening to the radio.

Anyhow, this film was great! The cast tremendous with Meryl Streep (my favourite from Sophie's Choice and the The Hours) Kevin Kline as Guy Noir - (I've just seen GK has a book about this character and I am tempted to buy to catch up on time!) , a man of few words but great translation of acting; Tommy Lee Jones, very small part but carries it well, Lily Tomlin... my, they can sing and all.

Great humour, a story to tell and all in all, a homely evening ... not everyone's cup of tea but my admiration goes out to the man GK, his voice too is fantastic!

Robert Altman, an all time hero on the production side and sadly no longer with us. Was this his last film? And was GK's angel an omen. Lovely film to end with.

If you manage to see the film and enjoy it and want to read more Garrison Keillor, here's a link to Amazon...Garrison Keillor


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