Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Bug Buster!!!

Sunday 16.09.06 - location - dining room with a screwdriver ...

Yes, last week saw the event of an in-law residential booking. Along with grandma came ... a bug buster for my 18 year old daughter - so that she might never fear the mighty spider ever, ever again!

Papa put it together, and ... da da! It didn't work. At least the motor didn't turn. We didn't have any spiders to test it on. We-ll that's a slight fabrication, we did have one monstrous one up on little 8 yr old daughter's bedroom wall above her bed, and so we shouted out "get the bug buster" and then we discovered that it didn't work. Much to the spider's amusement. Hubby tried to reach said monster and put it in a pot to take outside but it jumped ... so he had to pretend he got it and take it outside, but I saw it go behind a poster on the wall so, big brave me, took the blue tac off the edge of the poster and braved the capture in me bare hands (I hate spiders brrrr.) So I'm following him down the stairs with my hands clasped tight holding the real spider as he goes out with the pot ... :-)

Anyway, the week went on with papa taking the bug buster apart ... and saying, if you push the fan a little it gives it a start and it catches. All very well but when it's all together again you can't get at the fan can you, it's inside the casing under the tube...

So, today *cough* I attempt to do what I am known to do ... that is 'fix impossible things without knowing a thing about them'. I have a screwdriver you know... (I invested in a set of pc pliers at the weekend to help 18yr take her new earrings out her ears ... but that is the makings of another story. Heh heh.) and I get to work at taking the star screws out with a wee ordinary screwdriver. I get the fan out of the casing and the switch (rubber) out the hole, I look at all the solderings, they are attached, but wonder if the copper actually meets the connection. But that's not a job for me to tackle until I buy a soldering iron! Anyway, I come to the conclusion there is not much more I can do is there and after about 3 or 4 attempts manage to get the fan back in its casing and screw it back together again. Sigh.

Then I have a really mean thought, and a rather clever one. What if?... So, I try it. I take the new battery out of the new cardboard container and swap it with the new battery which supposedly came with the new bug buster ... I plug in the connectors and I press the button!!! Hey presto! One bug buster on the mend. I did suggest it the other day but people think I'm mad you know, and I always wonder why???!!! If you've been reading my blog you will confer with me that I am the most level headed person you've ever met wouldn't you? I said, wouldn't you.

So, now ... we only have to find a spider!!!! Trouble is we don't tend to get spiders in our house, only Grandma's down south where there are more spiders than trees lurking in every corner and as big as hedgehogs with bright red eyes... okay I exaggerate a little.

Oh, the spider I caught ... well if you can imagine a full stop, if you double it and put a few legs on it, that would be mine ... yes, I am brave! ;-)


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